Line-by-Line - only calculated lines

Line-by-Line | Line-by-Line - only input lines | Line-by-Line - only calculated lines | List of Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Note that the Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol and the Protocol Spreadsheet have a specific line number index (see Column B in the Excel® file). These line numbers are used throughout all documents of the Protocol. They differ from the Excel® row numbers. In the Internet Manual, the index of line numbers consists of the word “line” and the line number with three digits. For some lines a small letter is added to the number, e.g. “line059c”.

Plant Sheet

Clinker and Cement Production

Table 82: Plant Sheet - Clinker and Cement Production

Line Title Comment


Total clinker consumed

Comment: The calculated value which will be shown in this line (normally only if you have made the entries above) represents the consumed clinker at the plant level which is used for cement production. so you should not enter any values in this line.
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line008​ : ​line010c​ )=6,"", ​line008​ + ​line009​ - ​line010​ - ​line010a​ + ​line010b​ + ​line010c​ )

Used in lines: ​line020​ , ​line021​ , ​line091​ , ​line092a​ , ​line092


Total MIC consumed for Portland and blended cements (dry weight)

Comment: The value shown in this line is the sum of the values you have entered above in this section.
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line012​ : ​line017a​ )=7,"",SUM( ​line012​ : ​line017a​ ))

Used in lines: ​line020​ , ​line021​ , ​line021a


Total processed MIC's used as clinker or cement substitute sold externally

Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line019a​ : ​line019c​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line019a​ : ​line019c​ ))

Used in lines: ​line021​ , ​line021a


Total Portland and Blended cements

Comment: Total cement produced (all types together except pure slag cement and direct fly ash sales)
Formula: IF(OR( ​line011​ ="", ​line018​ =""),"", ​line011​ + ​line018​ )

Used in lines: ​line092a


Total cements + substitutes: Portland, Blended, Slag, etc.

Comment: Total cements produced, excluding clinker sold, including clinker bought. Portland + Blended + Slag cements incl. direct fly ash sales
Formula: IF(OR( ​line011​ ="", ​line018​ ="", ​line019​ =""),"", ​line011​ + ​line018​ + ​line019​ )

Used in lines: ​line092​ , ​line097​ , ​line098c


Total cementitious products

Comment: Total clinker produced plus MIC consumed for blending and production of cement substitutes, including clinker sold, excluding clinker bought
Formula: IF(OR( ​line008​ ="", ​line018​ ="", ​line019​ =""),"", ​line008​ + ​line018​ + ​line019​ )

Used in lines: ​line062​ , ​line062a​ , ​line062b​ , ​line074​ , ​line082c​ , ​line082a​ , ​line082b


Total cement equivalent

Comment: Calculated based on Clinker production and Clinker/cement (eq.) ratio
Formula: IF(OR( ​line008​ ="", ​line008​ =0, ​line092a​ ="n. appl."),"n. appl.", ​line008​ / ​line092a​ )

Used in lines: ​line063​ , ​line063a​ , ​line063b​ , ​line075​ , ​line082c

Kiln Fuel Consumption incl. raw material and fuel drying

Table 83: Plant Sheet - Kiln Fuel Consumption incl. raw material and fuel drying

Line Title Comment


Total heat consumption of kilns

Comment: Sum of conventional fossil fuels, alternative fossil fuels, and biomass fuels; including fuels for drying of raw amterials and fuels
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line026​ : ​line028​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line026​ : ​line028​ ))

Used in lines: ​line025a​ , ​line093​ , ​line094​ , ​line095​ , ​line096​ , ​line096a​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


Total heat consumption of kilns excluding drying of fuels and raw materials

Comment: Sum of conventional fossil fuels, alternative fossil fuels, and biomass fuels; excluding fuels for drying of raw amterials and fuels
Formula: IF(OR( ​line025​ ="", ​line184​ ="", ​line184g​ ="", ​line184i​ =""),"", ​line025​ - ​line184​ - ​line184g​ - ​line184i​ )


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: Calculated based on consumption of individual fuels and their lower heating values
Formula: IF(OR( ​line161​ ="", ​line184​ =""),"", ​line161​ + ​line184​ )

Used in lines: ​line025​ , ​line094​ , ​line096b


Alternative fuels, fossil content; excluding biomass fraction of mixed fuels

Comment: Calculated based on consumption of individual fuels and their lower heating values
Formula: IF(OR( ​line168​ ="", ​line184g​ =""),"", ​line168​ + ​line184g​ )

Used in lines: ​line025​ , ​line095​ , ​line096c


Biomass fuels, incl. biomass content of alternative fuels

Comment: Calculated based on consumption of individual fuels and their lower heating values
Formula: IF(OR( ​line175​ ="", ​line184i​ =""),"", ​line175​ + ​line184i​ )

Used in lines: ​line025​ , ​line096​ , ​line096d

Non-Kiln Fuel Consumption

Table 84: Plant Sheet - Non-Kiln Fuel Consumption

Line Title Comment


Equipment and on-site vehicles

Comment: Fuel used for quarry equipment and vehicles for internal transport
Formula: line321​ + ​line321c

Used in lines: ​line032


Room heating and cooling

Comment: Fuel used for office heating
Formula: line322

Used in lines: ​line032


Drying of mineral components

Comment: Fuel used for drying of mineral components
Formula: IF(OR( ​line323k​ ="", ​line323g​ ="", ​line323i​ =""),"", ​line323k​ + ​line323g​ + ​line323i​ )

Used in lines: ​line032


On-site power generation

Comment: Fuel used for power generation on-site (autoproduction)
Formula: IF(OR( ​line324aa​ ="", ​line324f​ ="", ​line324h​ =""),"", ​line324aa​ + ​line324f​ + ​line324h​ )

Used in lines: ​line032


Total non-kiln fuel consumption

Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line030​ : ​line031c​ )=4,"",SUM( ​line030​ : ​line031c​ ))

Power Balance

Table 85: Plant Sheet - Power Balance

Line Title Comment


Power consumed by on-site power generation equipment

Comment: Power consumed in the power plant from separate on-site power generation in Mega Watt hours per year
Formula: IF(OR( ​line033a​ ="", ​line033aa​ ="", ​line033ab​ =""),"", ​line033a​ - ​line033aa​ - ​line033ab​ )


CO2 per power unit produced by separate on-site power generation

Comment: CO2 emission factor of power produced by on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line033a​ =0,"", ​line045c​ / ​line033a​ *1000)


Power consumed by waste heat recovery equipment

Comment: Power consumed in the power plant from waste heat recovery in Mega Watt hours per year
Formula: IF(OR( ​line033b​ ="", ​line033ba​ ="", ​line033bb​ =""),"", ​line033b​ - ​line033ba​ - ​line033bb​ )


Total external power consumption for cement manufacturing

Comment: Power consumption for cement manufacturing including power plant (own consumption) obtained from the external grid or supplier
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line033ca​ : ​line033cc​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line033ca​ : ​line033cc​ ))

Used in lines: ​line049a


Total cement plant power consumption

Formula: IF(AND( ​line033aa​ =0, ​line033ba​ =0, ​line033ca​ =""),"", ​line033aa​ + ​line033ba​ + ​line033ca​ )

Used in lines: ​line097​ , ​line098c

CO2 from Raw Materials

Table 86: Plant Sheet - CO2 from Raw Materials

Line Title Comment


Calcination emission factor, corrected for CaO- and MgO imports

Comment: B1: Default set equal to 525 kg CO2/ t clinker. B2: To be replaced with more precise data by Company if available (see auxiliary sheet "CalcB2")
Formula: IF( ​line034d​ ="B2", ​line034q​ ,IF( ​line034d​ ="B1", ​line034m​ ,"n. appl."))

Used in lines: ​line036​ , ​line037​ , ​line038a


Organic carbon content of raw meal (average)

Comment: B1, B2: Default set equal to 0.2%. To be replaced with company-specific data if raw materials with substantially higher or lower content of organic carbon are used. See Guidance document for details.
Formula: IF( ​line034d​ ="B1", ​line034n​ ,IF( ​line034d​ ="B2", ​line034r​ ,"n. appl."))

Used in lines: ​line038b


Raw meal : clinker ratio

Comment: B1, B2: Default set equal to 1.55. To be replaced with company-specific data (excluding fuel ash content) if organic carbon in raw materials is of relevance. Any dust leaving the kiln system should be reflected in this ratio. Ash content of fuels should be excluded.
Formula: IF( ​line034d​ ="B1", ​line034o​ ,IF( ​line034d​ ="B2", ​line034s​ ,"n. appl."))

Used in lines: ​line035d


Raw meal consumption

Comment: A1, A2: Input from auxilary sheet "CalcA1", "CalcA2". B1, B2: Calculated from the raw meal : clinker ratio and the amount of clinker produced
Formula: IF( ​line034d​ ="A1", ​line034e​ ,IF( ​line034d​ ="A2", ​line034i​ ,IF( ​line008​ ="","", ​line008​ * ​line035c​ )))

Used in lines: ​line038b


CO2 from calcination of raw materials consumed for clinker production

Comment: B1, B2: Calculated from the calcination emission factor and the clinker production
Formula: IF(OR( ​line034d​ ="A1", ​line034d​ ="A2"),"n. appl.",IF( ​line008​ ="","", ​line035a​ /1000* ​line008​ ))

Used in lines: ​line039


CO2 from calcination of bypass dust leaving the kiln system

Comment: B1, B2: Calculated from the calcination emission factor and the amount of bypass dust leaving the kiln system (e.g. for landfilling)
Formula: IF(OR( ​line034d​ ="A1", ​line034d​ ="A2"),"n. appl.",IF( ​line022​ ="","", ​line035a​ /1000* ​line022​ ))

Used in lines: ​line039


CO2 from calcination of CKD leaving the kiln system

Comment: B1, B2: Calculated from the calcination emission factor, the amount of CKD leaving the kiln system (e.g. for landfilling or sale), and the calcination rate of CKD
Formula: IF(OR( ​line034d​ ="A1", ​line034d​ ="A2"),"n. appl.",IF( ​line023​ ="","", ​line023​ * ​line035a​ /1000/(1+ ​line035a​ /1000)* ​line024​ /(1- ​line035a​ /1000/(1+ ​line035a​ /1000)* ​line024​ )))

Used in lines: ​line039


CO2 from organic carbon content of raw meal

Comment: B1, B2: Calculated from the organic carbon content of raw meal, the raw meal consumption, and the CO2 to C molar weight ratio
Formula: IF(OR( ​line034d​ ="A1", ​line034d​ ="A2"),"n. appl.",IF( ​line035d​ ="","", ​line035b​ * ​line035d​ *3.664))

Used in lines: ​line039


Total CO2 from raw materials

Comment: A1, A2: Input from auxilary sheet "CalcA1", "CalcA2". B1, B2
Formula: IF( ​line034d​ ="A1", ​line034f​ ,IF( ​line034d​ ="A2", ​line034j​ ,SUM( ​line036​ : ​line038b​ )))

Used in lines: ​line048​ , ​line059​ , ​line059a

CO2 from Kiln Fuels (incl. drying of fuels and raw materials)

Table 87: Plant Sheet - CO2 from Kiln Fuels (incl. drying of fuels and raw materials)

Line Title Comment


CO2 from conventional fossil fuels

Comment: Sum of CO2 emissions from conventional fossil fuels, including drying of fuels and raw materials
Formula: IF(OR( ​line211​ ="", ​line234​ =""),"", ​line211​ + ​line234​ )

Used in lines: ​line043


CO2 from alternative fossil fuels

Comment: Sum of CO2 emissions from alternative fossil fuels, including drying of fuels and raw materials
Formula: IF(OR( ​line218​ ="", ​line235​ =""),"", ​line218​ + ​line235​ )

Used in lines: ​line043​ , ​line071


Total CO2 from fossil-based kiln fuels

Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line040​ : ​line041​ )=2,"",SUM( ​line040​ : ​line041​ ))

Used in lines: ​line048​ , ​line059​ , ​line059b​ , ​line096a

CO2 from Non-Kiln Fuels

Table 88: Plant Sheet - CO2 from Non-Kiln Fuels

Line Title Comment


CO2 from equipment and on-site vehicles (fossil fuels)

Comment: Sum of CO2 emissions from equipment and on-site vehicles
Formula: line331

Used in lines: ​line046​ , ​line059b


CO2 from room heating and cooling (fossil fuels)

Comment: Sum of CO2 emissions from room heating and cooling
Formula: line332

Used in lines: ​line046​ , ​line059b


CO2 from drying of mineral components (fossil fuels)

Comment: Sum of CO2 emissions from drying of mineral components
Formula: IF(OR( ​line333k​ ="", ​line333g​ =""),"", ​line333k​ + ​line333g​ )

Used in lines: ​line046​ , ​line059b


CO2 from seperate on-site power generation (fossil fuels)

Comment: Sum of CO2 emissions from on-site power generation (excl. biomass CO2)
Formula: IF(OR( ​line334aa​ ="", ​line334f​ =""),"", ​line334aa​ + ​line334f​ )

Used in lines: ​line033ad​ , ​line046​ , ​line059c


Total CO2 from non-kiln fossil fuels

Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line044​ : ​line045c​ )=4,"",SUM( ​line044​ : ​line045c​ ))

Used in lines: ​line048​ , ​line059

Total Direct CO2 Emissions

Table 89: Plant Sheet - Total Direct CO2 Emissions

Line Title Comment


Total direct CO2: all fossil CO2 sources

Formula: IF(OR( ​line039​ ="", ​line043​ ="", ​line046​ =""),"", ​line039​ + ​line043​ + ​line046​ )

Indirect CO2 Emissions (Main Sources)

Table 90: Plant Sheet - Indirect CO2 Emissions (Main Sources)

Line Title Comment


CO2 from external power generation

Formula: IF( ​line033c​ =0,"", ​line033c​ * ​line033d​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line049d​ , ​line082c​ , ​line082a


CO2 from net inbound (+) / outbound (-) clinker

Comment: Calculated by multiplying net clinker imports (= clinker bought minus clinker sold, including clinker transfers) by the default emission factor for bought clinker and subtracting CO2 emissions from sold clinker. Value will be negative if plant is net exporter of clinker. ; =(((line9 + line10b + line10c) * line49b) - (line10 * line60)) / 1000.
Formula: IF(OR( ​line009​ ="", ​line010b​ ="", ​line010c​ ="", ​line010​ =""),"",IF( ​line060​ <>"n. appl.",((( ​line009​ + ​line010b​ + ​line010c​ )* ​line049b​ )-( ​line010​ * ​line060​ ))/1000,( ​line009​ + ​line010b​ + ​line010c​ )* ​line049b​ /1000))

Used in lines: ​line049d​ , ​line082b


Total indirect CO2 (main sources)

Formula: IF(OR( ​line049a​ ="", ​line049c​ =""),"", ​line049a​ + ​line049c​ )

Direct CO2 from Biomass Fuels (Memo Item)

Table 91: Plant Sheet - Direct CO2 from Biomass Fuels (Memo Item)

Line Title Comment


CO2 from combustion of biomass (kiln and non-kiln fuels, incl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Comment: Direct CO2 emissions from combustion of kiln and non-kiln biomass fuels and biomass content of mixed fuels
Formula: IF(OR( ​line225​ ="", ​line236​ ="", ​line331c​ ="", ​line333i​ ="", ​line334h​ =""),"", ​line225​ + ​line236​ + ​line331c​ + ​line333i​ + ​line334h​ )

Used in lines: ​line083a

Gross CO2 Emissions (= total direct CO2; all sources), excluding CO2 from onsite power generation

Table 92: Plant Sheet - Gross CO2 Emissions (= total direct CO2; all sources), excluding CO2 from onsite power generation

Line Title Comment


Absolute gross CO2 including CO2 from on-site power generation

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total direct emissions from raw materials, kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels
Formula: IF(OR( ​line039​ ="", ​line043​ ="", ​line046​ =""),"", ​line039​ + ​line043​ + ​line046​ )

Used in lines: ​line059c


Absolute gross CO2

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total direct emissions from raw materials, kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels; excluding CO2 from on-site power generation ;
Formula: IF(OR( ​line059​ ="", ​line045c​ =""),"", ​line059​ - ​line045c​ )

Used in lines: ​line071​ , ​line060​ , ​line063​ , ​line062


calcination component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from raw materials; ;
Formula: line039

Used in lines: ​line060a​ , ​line063a​ , ​line062a


fuel component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation
Formula: IF(OR( ​line043​ ="", ​line044​ ="", ​line045a​ ="", ​line045b​ =""),"", ​line043​ + ​line044​ + ​line045a​ + ​line045b​ )

Used in lines: ​line060b​ , ​line063b​ , ​line062b


Absolute net CO2

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total direct emissions from raw materials, kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, minus alternative fossil fuels
Formula: IF(OR( ​line059c​ ="", ​line041​ =""),"", ​line059c​ - ​line041​ )

Used in lines: ​line073​ , ​line075​ , ​line074


Absolute CO2 from biomass sources (including biomass content of mixed fuels)

This line is marked as KPI.

Formula: line050

Specific Gross and Net CO2 Emissions per Clinker Produced

Table 93: Plant Sheet - Specific Gross and Net CO2 Emissions per Clinker Produced

Line Title Comment


Specific gross CO2 per tonne of clinker produced

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total direct emissions, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own clinker production
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF( ​line008​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line059c​ / ​line008​ *1000))

Used in lines: ​line049c


calcination component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from raw materials, divided by own clinker production
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF( ​line008​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line059a​ / ​line008​ *1000))


fuel component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own clinker production
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF( ​line008​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line059b​ / ​line008​ *1000))


Specific net CO2 per tonne of clinker produced

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Net emissions from raw materials, kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own clinker production
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF( ​line008​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line071​ / ​line008​ *1000))

Specific Gross and Net CO2 Emissions per Cement (equivalent)

Table 94: Plant Sheet - Specific Gross and Net CO2 Emissions per Cement (equivalent)

Line Title Comment


Specific gross CO2per tonne of cement (eq.)

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total direct emissions, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by total cement (equivalent)
Formula: IF(OR( ​line059c​ ="", ​line021b​ ="n. appl."),"n. appl.", ​line059c​ / ​line021b​ *1000)


calcination component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from raw materials, divided by total cement (equivalent)
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF(OR( ​line008​ =0, ​line011​ =0),"n. appl.", ​line059a​ / ​line021b​ *1000))


fuel component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by total cement (equivalent)
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF(OR( ​line008​ =0, ​line011​ =0),"n. appl.", ​line059b​ / ​line021b​ *1000))


Specific net CO2 per tonne of cement (eq.)

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Net emissions from raw materials, kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own production of cement (equivalent)
Formula: IF(OR( ​line021b​ ="n. appl.", ​line021b​ =0),"n. appl.", ​line071​ / ​line021b​ *1000)

Specific Gross and Net CO2 Emissions per Cementitious Produced

Table 95: Plant Sheet - Specific Gross and Net CO2 Emissions per Cementitious Produced

Line Title Comment


Specific gross CO2 per tonne of cementitious product

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total direct emissions, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own production of cementitious products (excluding bought clinker in cement)
Formula: IF( ​line021a​ ="","",IF( ​line021a​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line059c​ / ​line021a​ *1000))


calcination component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from raw material calcination, divided by own production of cementitious products
Formula: IF( ​line021a​ ="","",IF( ​line021a​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line059a​ / ​line021a​ *1000))


fuel component

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Direct emissions from kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own production of cementitious products
Formula: IF( ​line021a​ ="","",IF( ​line021a​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line059b​ / ​line021a​ *1000))


Specific net CO2 per tonne of cementitious product

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Net emissions from raw materials, kiln fuels and non-kiln fuels, excluding CO2 from on-site power generation, divided by own production of cementitious products
Formula: IF( ​line021a​ ="","",IF( ​line021a​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line071​ / ​line021a​ *1000))

Used in lines: ​line077


Improvement rate - net CO2 per tonne of cementitious product

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Reduction of specific emissions relative to base year (default 1990)
Formula: IF( ​line074​ ="","",IF(OR( ​line074​ ="n. appl.", ​line074​ =0),"n. appl.",( ​line074​ - ​line074​ )/ ​line074​ ))

Specific CO2 from Indirect and Biomass Sources

Table 96: Plant Sheet - Specific CO2 from Indirect and Biomass Sources

Line Title Comment


Specific indirect CO2 from external power generation per tonne of cement (eq.)

This line is marked as KPI.

Formula: IF(OR( ​line021b​ ="n. appl.", ​line021b​ =0),"n. appl.", ​line049a​ / ​line021b​ *1000)


Specific indirect CO2 from external power generation per tonne of cementitious product

This line is marked as KPI.

Formula: IF( ​line021a​ ="","",IF( ​line021a​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line049a​ / ​line021a​ *1000))


Specific indirect CO2 from net clinker imports (+) / exports (-) per tonne of cementitious product

This line is marked as KPI.

Formula: IF( ​line021a​ ="","",IF( ​line021a​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line049c​ / ​line021a​ *1000))

General Performance Indicators

Table 97: Plant Sheet - General Performance Indicators

Line Title Comment


Net outbound clinker per net clinker consumption

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: percentage of direct clinker sales versus clinker consumed to produce cement
Formula: IF( ​line011​ ="","",IF( ​line011​ =0,"n. appl.",( ​line010​ - ​line009​ - ​line010b​ - ​line010c​ )/ ​line011​ ))


Clinker/cement (eq.) factor*

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Calculated based on total clinker consumed and total Portland + Blended cements
Comment: This value is an important indicator for your production. It presents the ratio of the clinker in the cement produced. The output value is in percentage.
Comment: * Clinker/cement (eq.) factor The clinker/cement (eq.) factor is defined as: Total clinker consumed / (own clinker consumed plus gypsum, lime stone, CKD plus clinker substitute consumed for blending plus clinker bought and consumed). Definition of clinker/cement (eq.) factor as in Protocol Guidance Document Version 3, Section 6.3. The factor is based on clinker consumption. Hence, in the denominator sold clinker is excluded and bought clinker is included. Cement substitutes are excluded. See also the equation for its calculation in the comment sheet.
Formula: IF(OR( ​line011​ ="", ​line020​ ="", ​line011​ =0, ​line020​ =0),"n. appl.", ​line011​ / ​line020​ )

Used in lines: ​line021b


Clinker/cementitious factor*

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total clinker consumed divided by the total of cements produced
Comment: * Clinker/cementitious factor Definition of clinker / cementitious factor as in Protocol Guidance Document Version 3, Section 6.3. The factor is based on clinker consumption. Hence, in the denominator sold clinker is excluded and bought clinker is included. Furthermore, cement substitutes are included. See also the equation for its calculation in the comment sheet.
Formula: IF( ​line021​ ="","",IF( ​line021​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line011​ / ​line021​ ))

Used in lines: ​line098c


Specific heat consumption of clinker production

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total heat consumption of kilns divided by the clinker production
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF( ​line008​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line025​ *10^6/ ​line008​ ))

Used in lines: ​line098b


Conventional fossil fuel rate (kiln fuels)

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Consumption of conventional fossil fuels divided by the total heat consumption of kilns
Formula: IF( ​line025​ ="","",IF( ​line025​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line026​ / ​line025​ ))


Alternative fossil fuel rate (kiln fuels)

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Consumption of alternative fossil fuels divided by the total heat consumption of kilns
Formula: IF( ​line025​ ="","",IF( ​line025​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line027​ / ​line025​ ))


Biomass fuel rate (kiln fuels)

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Consumption of biomass fuels divided by the total heat consumption of kilns
Formula: IF( ​line025​ ="","",IF( ​line025​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line028​ / ​line025​ ))


CO2 emission factor for kiln fuel mix

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total CO2 from fossil-based kiln fuels divided by total heat consumption of kilns
Formula: IF( ​line043​ ="","",IF( ​line043​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line043​ / ​line025​ ))


Total conventional fossil fuel rate at plant level

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total conventional fossil fuel energy used in the whole plant divided by total fuel energy use in %
Formula: IF(AND( ​line025​ =0, ​line321​ =0, ​line321c​ =0, ​line322​ =0, ​line323k​ =0, ​line323g​ =0, ​line323i​ =0, ​line324aa​ =0, ​line324f​ =0, ​line324h​ =0),"n. appl.",( ​line026​ + ​line321​ +( ​line321c​ *(1- ​line200g​ ))+ ​line322​ + ​line323k​ + ​line324aa​ )/( ​line025​ + ​line321​ + ​line321c​ + ​line322​ + ​line323k​ + ​line323g​ + ​line323i​ + ​line324aa​ + ​line324f​ + ​line324h​ ))


Total alternative fossil fuel rate at plant level

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total alternative fossil fuel energy used in the whole plant divided by total fuel energy use in %
Formula: IF(AND( ​line025​ =0, ​line321​ =0, ​line321c​ =0, ​line322​ =0, ​line323k​ =0, ​line323g​ =0, ​line323i​ =0, ​line324aa​ =0, ​line324f​ =0, ​line324h​ =0),"n. appl.",( ​line027​ + ​line323g​ + ​line324f​ )/( ​line025​ + ​line321​ + ​line321c​ + ​line322​ + ​line323k​ + ​line323g​ + ​line323i​ + ​line324aa​ + ​line324f​ + ​line324h​ ))


Total biomass fuel rate at plant level

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total biomass fuel energy used in the whole plant divided by total fuel energy use in %
Formula: IF(AND( ​line025​ =0, ​line321​ =0, ​line321c​ =0, ​line322​ =0, ​line323k​ =0, ​line323g​ =0, ​line323i​ =0, ​line324aa​ =0, ​line324f​ =0, ​line324h​ =0),"n. appl.",( ​line028​ +( ​line321c​ * ​line200g​ )+ ​line323i​ + ​line324h​ )/( ​line025​ + ​line321​ + ​line321c​ + ​line322​ + ​line323k​ + ​line323g​ + ​line323i​ + ​line324aa​ + ​line324f​ + ​line324h​ ))


Specific total power consumption*

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Total plant power consumption divided by total cements and substitutes produced
Comment: * In this KPI the total power consumption is related to the processing of cementitous products. Hence, it is referenced to cements and substitutes produced. In the denominator sold clinker is excluded and bought clinker is included. See also the equation for its calculation in the comment sheet. Note: The reference is different from the definition, which is used to report specific CO2 emissions per ton of cementitous product in the Protocol Guidance Document Version 3, Section 6.2.
Formula: IF( ​line021​ ="","",IF( ​line021​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line033​ / ​line021​ *1000))


Specific power consumption of clinker production

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Power consumption up to and including clinker production divided by clinker production
Formula: IF( ​line008​ ="","",IF( ​line008​ =0,"n. appl.", ​line033e​ / ​line008​ *1000))

Used in lines: ​line098c​ , ​line098b


Specific power consumption of cement production*

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Power consumption of cement production incl. power consumption of production of clinker consumed divided by cement and substitute production
Comment: * In this KPI the power consumption of cement production is related to the processing of cementitous products. Hence, it is referenced to cements and substitutes produced. In the denominator sold clinker is excluded and bought clinker is included. See also the equation for its calculation in the comment sheet. Note: The reference is different from the definition, which is used to report specific CO2 emissions per ton of cementitous product in the Protocol Guidance Document Version 3, Section 6.2.
Formula: IF(OR( ​line021​ ="", ​line021​ =0),"n. appl.",IF( ​line098​ <>"n. appl.",( ​line098​ * ​line092​ )+( ​line033​ - ​line033e​ )*1000/ ​line021​ ,( ​line033​ - ​line033e​ )*1000/ ​line021​ ))


National energy conversion factor

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Optional parameter

Used in lines: ​line098b


Total energy intensity of clinker production (fuel and power)

This line is marked as KPI.

Comment: Optional result
Formula: IF( ​line098a​ <>"", ​line098​ * ​line098a​ + ​line093​ ,"")

Kiln Fuel Consumption in terajoules (TJ) per year

Table 98: Plant Sheet - Kiln Fuel Consumption in terajoules (TJ) per year

Line Title Comment


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: This is the total heat consumption of all conventional fossil kiln fuels. This result is registered in line 26 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line162​ : ​line167a​ )=7,"",SUM( ​line162​ : ​line167a​ ))

Used in lines: ​line026


coal + anthracite

Formula: IF( ​line102​ ="","", ​line102​ * ​line132​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line212


petrol coke

Formula: IF( ​line103​ ="","", ​line103​ * ​line133​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line213


(ultra) heavy fuel

Formula: IF( ​line104​ ="","", ​line104​ * ​line134​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line214


diesel oil

Formula: IF( ​line105​ ="","", ​line105​ * ​line135​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line215


natural gas

Formula: IF( ​line106​ ="","", ​line106​ * ​line136​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line216



Formula: IF( ​line107​ ="","", ​line107​ * ​line137​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line217



Formula: IF( ​line107a​ ="","", ​line107a​ * ​line137a​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line161​ , ​line217a


Alternative fossil and mixed fuels, excluding biomass fraction of mixed fuels

Comment: This is the total heat consumption of all alternative fossil kiln fuels. This result is registered in line 27 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line169​ : ​line174​ )=7,"",SUM( ​line169​ : ​line174​ ))

Used in lines: ​line027


waste oil

Formula: IF( ​line109​ ="","", ​line109​ *( ​line139​ /1000)*(1- ​line200a​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line219



Formula: IF( ​line110​ ="","", ​line110​ *( ​line140​ /1000)*(1- ​line200b​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line220


RDF including plastics

Formula: IF( ​line111​ ="","", ​line111​ *( ​line141​ /1000)*(1- ​line200c​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line221



Formula: IF( ​line112​ ="","", ​line112​ *( ​line142​ /1000)*(1- ​line200d​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line222


impregnated saw dust

Formula: IF( ​line113​ ="","", ​line113​ *( ​line143​ /1000)*(1- ​line200e​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line223


mixed industrial waste

Formula: IF( ​line113a​ ="","", ​line113a​ *( ​line143a​ /1000)*(1- ​line200f​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line223a


other fossil based wastes (excl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Formula: IF( ​line114​ ="","", ​line114​ *( ​line144​ /1000)*(1- ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line168​ , ​line224


Biomass fuels - total, incl. biomass cont. from alternative fossil fuels

Comment: This is the total heat consumption of all biomass kiln fuels. This result is registered in line 28 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line176​ : ​line183a​ )=9,"",SUM( ​line176​ : ​line183a​ ))

Used in lines: ​line028


sewage sludge

Formula: IF( ​line116​ ="","", ​line116​ * ​line146​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line226


wood, non impregnated saw dust

Formula: IF( ​line117​ ="","", ​line117​ * ​line147​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line227


paper, carton

Formula: IF( ​line118​ ="","", ​line118​ * ​line148​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line228


animal meal

Formula: IF( ​line119​ ="","", ​line119​ * ​line149​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line229


animal bone meal

Formula: IF( ​line120​ ="","", ​line120​ * ​line150​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line230


animal fat

Formula: IF( ​line121​ ="","", ​line121​ * ​line151​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line231


agricultural, organic, diaper waste, charcoal

Formula: IF( ​line122​ ="","", ​line122​ * ​line152​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line232


other biomass

Formula: IF( ​line123​ ="","", ​line123​ * ​line153​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line175​ , ​line233


biomass content from alternative fuels

Formula: ( ​line109​ * ​line139​ * ​line200a​ + ​line110​ * ​line140​ * ​line200b​ + ​line111​ * ​line141​ * ​line200c​ + ​line112​ * ​line142​ * ​line200d​ + ​line113​ * ​line143​ * ​line200e​ + ​line113a​ * ​line143a​ * ​line200f​ + ​line114​ * ​line144​ * ​line200h​ )/1000

Used in lines: ​line175

Drying of raw materials and fuels

Table 99: Plant Sheet - Drying of raw materials and fuels

Line Title Comment


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: This is the total heat consumption of all conventional fossil fuels for drying of raw materials and fuels. This result is registered in line 25a and line 26 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line184a​ : ​line184f​ )=6,"",SUM( ​line184a​ : ​line184f​ ))

Used in lines: ​line025a​ , ​line026


coal + anthracite + lignite

Formula: IF( ​line124a​ ="","", ​line124a​ * ​line154a​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line184​ , ​line234a


petrol coke

Formula: IF( ​line124b​ ="","", ​line124b​ * ​line154b​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line184​ , ​line234b


(ultra) heavy fuel

Formula: IF( ​line124c​ ="","", ​line124c​ * ​line154c​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line184​ , ​line234c


diesel oil

Formula: IF( ​line124d​ ="","", ​line124d​ * ​line154d​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line184​ , ​line234d


natural gas

Formula: IF( ​line124e​ ="","", ​line124e​ * ​line154e​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line184​ , ​line234e



Formula: IF( ​line124f​ ="","", ​line124f​ * ​line154f​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line184​ , ​line234f


Alternative fossil fuels

Comment: This is the total heat consumption of all alternative fossil fuels for drying of raw materials and fuels. This result is registered in line 25a line 27 above
Formula: line184h

Used in lines: ​line025a​ , ​line027


other fossil based wastes (excl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Comment: Heat consumption of alternative fossil fuels, for drying of raw materials and fuels, calculated from the amount of each fuel and their lower heating values
Formula: IF( ​line125a​ ="","", ​line125a​ *( ​line155a​ /1000)*(1- ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line184g​ , ​line235a


Alternative biomass fuels

Comment: This is the total heat consumption of all biomass fuels, for drying of raw materials and fuels. This result is registered in line 25a and line 28 above
Formula: line184j

Used in lines: ​line025a​ , ​line028


other biomass (incl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Comment: Heat consumption of biomass fuels, for drying of raw materials and fuels, calculated from the amount of each fuel and their lower heating values
Formula: IF( ​line126a​ ="","",( ​line126a​ * ​line156a​ /1000)+( ​line125a​ * ​line155a​ /1000* ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line184i​ , ​line236a

CO2 Emissions from Kiln Fuels

Table 100: Plant Sheet - CO2 Emissions from Kiln Fuels

Line Title Comment


Conventional fossil fuels - total emissions

Comment: These are the total CO2 emissions from all conventional fossil kiln fuels. This result is registered in line 40 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line212​ : ​line217a​ )=7,"",SUM( ​line212​ : ​line217a​ ))

Used in lines: ​line040


coal + anthracite

Formula: IF( ​line162​ ="","", ​line162​ * ​line186​ )

Used in lines: ​line211


petrol coke

Formula: IF( ​line163​ ="","", ​line163​ * ​line187​ )

Used in lines: ​line211


(ultra) heavy fuel

Formula: IF( ​line164​ ="","", ​line164​ * ​line188​ )

Used in lines: ​line211


diesel oil

Formula: IF( ​line165​ ="","", ​line165​ * ​line189​ )

Used in lines: ​line211


natural gas

Formula: IF( ​line166​ ="","", ​line166​ * ​line190​ )

Used in lines: ​line211



Formula: IF( ​line167​ ="","", ​line167​ * ​line191​ )

Used in lines: ​line211



Formula: IF( ​line167a​ ="","", ​line167a​ * ​line192​ )

Used in lines: ​line211


Alternative fossil and mixed fuels - total fossil emissions

Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line219​ : ​line224​ )=7,"",SUM( ​line219​ : ​line224​ ))

Used in lines: ​line041


waste oil / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line169​ ="","", ​line169​ * ​line194​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


waste tyres / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line170​ ="","", ​line170​ * ​line195​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


RDF including plastics / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line171​ ="","", ​line171​ * ​line196​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


solvents / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line172​ ="","", ​line172​ * ​line197​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


impregnated saw dust / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line173​ ="","", ​line173​ * ​line198​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


mixed industrial waste / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line173a​ ="","", ​line173a​ * ​line199​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


other fossil based wastes / fossil content

Formula: IF( ​line174​ ="","", ​line174​ * ​line200​ )

Used in lines: ​line218


Biomass fuels - total, incl. biomass cont. from alternative mixed fuels

Comment: These are the total CO2 emissions from all biomass kiln fuels. This result is registered in line 50 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line226​ : ​line233a​ )=9,"",SUM( ​line226​ : ​line233a​ ))

Used in lines: ​line050


sewage sludge

Formula: IF( ​line176​ ="","", ​line176​ * ​line202​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


wood, non impregnated saw dust

Formula: IF( ​line177​ ="","", ​line177​ * ​line203​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


paper, carton

Formula: IF( ​line178​ ="","", ​line178​ * ​line204​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


animal meal

Formula: IF( ​line179​ ="","", ​line179​ * ​line205​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


animal bone meal

Formula: IF( ​line180​ ="","", ​line180​ * ​line206​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


animal fat

Formula: IF( ​line181​ ="","", ​line181​ * ​line207​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


agricultural, organic, diaper waste, charcoal

Formula: IF( ​line182​ ="","", ​line182​ * ​line208​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


other biomass

Formula: IF( ​line183​ ="","", ​line183​ * ​line209​ )

Used in lines: ​line225


biomass content from alternative fuels

Formula: ( ​line109​ * ​line139​ * ​line200a​ * ​line194​ + ​line110​ * ​line140​ * ​line200b​ * ​line195​ + ​line111​ * ​line141​ * ​line200c​ * ​line196​ + ​line112​ * ​line142​ * ​line200d​ * ​line197​ + ​line113​ * ​line143​ * ​line200e​ * ​line198​ + ​line113a​ * ​line143a​ * ​line200f​ * ​line199​ + ​line114​ * ​line144​ * ​line200h​ * ​line200​ )/1000

Used in lines: ​line225

Drying of raw materials and fuels

Table 101: Plant Sheet - Drying of raw materials and fuels

Line Title Comment


Conventional fossil fuels - total emissions

Comment: These are the total CO2 emissions from all conventional fossil fuels, for drying of raw materials and fuels. This result is registered in line 40 above
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line234a​ : ​line234f​ )=6,"",SUM( ​line234a​ : ​line234f​ ))

Used in lines: ​line040


coal + anthracite + lignite

Comment: line184a (TJ/yr of coal, anthracite and lignite) * line186 (EF of coal and anthracite). This means, if a plant uses a mixture of coal, anthracite and lignite for drying of raw materials, the consumed energy amount is multiplied with a slightly incorrect emission factor for anthracite and coal. The emission factor in line186 shall not be adapted, because otherwise the more important main input stream of coal and anthracite into the kiln would be result in really wrong CO2 emissions.
Formula: IF( ​line184a​ ="","", ​line184a​ * ​line186​ )

Used in lines: ​line234


petrol coke

Formula: IF( ​line184b​ ="","", ​line184b​ * ​line187​ )

Used in lines: ​line234


(ultra) heavy fuel

Formula: IF( ​line184c​ ="","", ​line184c​ * ​line188​ )

Used in lines: ​line234


diesel oil

Formula: IF( ​line184d​ ="","", ​line184d​ * ​line189​ )

Used in lines: ​line234


natural gas

Formula: IF( ​line184e​ ="","", ​line184e​ * ​line190​ )

Used in lines: ​line234



Formula: IF( ​line184f​ ="","", ​line184f​ * ​line191​ )

Used in lines: ​line234


Alternative fossil fuels - fossil total emissions

Comment: These are the total CO2 emissions from all alternative fossil fuels, for drying of raw materials and fuels. This result is registered in line 41 above
Formula: line235a

Used in lines: ​line041


other fossil based wastes / fossil content

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the heat consumption (in TJ/year, line184h) with the corresponding emission factors (given in line200)
Formula: IF( ​line184h​ ="","", ​line184h​ * ​line200​ )

Used in lines: ​line235


Alternative biomass fuels - biomass total emissions

Comment: These are the total CO2 emissions from all biomass fuels, for drying of raw materials and fuels. This result is registered in line 50 above
Formula: line236a

Used in lines: ​line050


other biomass (incl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the heat consumption (in TJ/year, line184j) with the corresponding emission factors (given in line 209)
Formula: IF( ​line184j​ ="","",( ​line126a​ * ​line156a​ /1000* ​line209​ )+( ​line125a​ * ​line155a​ /1000* ​line200​ * ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line236

Non-Kiln Fuel Consumption in terajoules (TJ) per year

Table 102: Plant Sheet - Non-Kiln Fuel Consumption in terajoules (TJ) per year

Line Title Comment


Equipment and On-Site Vehicles fossil fuels

Comment: This is the sum of equipment and on-site vehicles. The result is registered in line 30 above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual fossil fuel consumption in terajoules of equipment and on-site vehicles
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line321a​ : ​line321ba​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line321a​ : ​line321ba​ ))

Used in lines: ​line030​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual fuel consumption of diesel oil used as fossil fuel in equipment and on-site vehicles in terajoules.
Formula: IF( ​line301a​ ="","", ​line301a​ * ​line311a​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line321​ , ​line331a



Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual fuel consumption of gasoline used as fossil fuel in equipment and on-site vehicles in terajoules.
Formula: IF( ​line301b​ ="","", ​line301b​ * ​line311b​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line321​ , ​line331b


other fossil fuels

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual fuel consumption of other fossil based wastes (if entered above) used as fossil fuel in equipment and on-site vehicles in terajoules.
Formula: IF( ​line301ba​ ="","", ​line301ba​ * ​line311ba​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line321​ , ​line331ba


Equipment and On-Site Vehicles fuels (containing biomass)

Comment: This is the sum of equipment and on-site vehicles of biomass fuels
Comment: This line shows the calculated total annual consumption value of fuel which contains biomass and are used for equipment and on-site vehicles, in terajoules
Formula: line321d

Used in lines: ​line030​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d​ , ​line331a


bio and mixed diesel

Comment: Heat consumption calculated from non-kiln fuel consumption and lower heating values of biomass fuels.
Comment: This line shows the calculated annual consumption value of diesel oil which contains biomass and is used for equipment and on/site vehicles, e.g. bio diesel, in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line301d​ ="","", ​line301d​ * ​line311d​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line321c​ , ​line331a​ , ​line331d


Room Heating and Cooling

Comment: This is the sum of room heating and cooling. The result is registered in line 31a above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual fuel consumption used for room heating and cooling
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line322a​ : ​line322c​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line322a​ : ​line322c​ ))

Used in lines: ​line031a​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual diesel oil consumption used for room heating and cooling in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line302a​ ="","", ​line302a​ * ​line312a​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line322​ , ​line332a


natural gas

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual natural gas consumption which used for room heating and cooling in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line302b​ ="","", ​line302b​ * ​line312b​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line322​ , ​line332b


other fossil fuels

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual other fossil fuels (in case you have entered above) consumption which used for room heating and cooling in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line302c​ ="","", ​line302c​ * ​line312c​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line322​ , ​line332c


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: This is the sum of drying of raw materials and mineral components from conventional fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 31b above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual conventional fossil fuels consumption used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line323a​ : ​line323f​ )=6,"",SUM( ​line323a​ : ​line323f​ ))

Used in lines: ​line031b​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


coal + anthracite + lignite

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual coal, anthracite, waste coal and lignite mix consumption which used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303a​ ="","", ​line303a​ * ​line313a​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323k​ , ​line333a


petrol coke

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual petrol coke consumption used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303b​ ="","", ​line303b​ * ​line313b​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323k​ , ​line333b


(ultra) heavy fuel

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual ultra heavy fuel consumption used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303c​ ="","", ​line303c​ * ​line313c​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323k​ , ​line333c


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual diesel oil consumption which used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303d​ ="","", ​line303d​ * ​line313d​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323k​ , ​line333d


natural gas

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual natural gas consumption which used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303e​ ="","", ​line303e​ * ​line313e​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323k​ , ​line333e



Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual shale consumption used for the drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303f​ ="","", ​line303f​ * ​line313f​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323k​ , ​line333f


Alternative fossil and mixed fuels

Comment: This is the sum of drying of raw materials and mineral components from alternative fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 31b above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual alternative fossil fuels consumption used for the drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: line323h

Used in lines: ​line031b​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


other fossil based wastes and mixed fuels

Comment: Heat consumption calculated from non-kiln fuel consumption and lower heating values
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual other fossil based wastes (in case you have entered above) consumption used for the drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303h​ ="","", ​line303h​ * ​line313h​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323g​ , ​line333h​ , ​line333j


Alternative biomass fuels

Comment: This is the sum of drying of raw materials and mineral components from alternative biomass fuels. The result is registered in line 31b above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual alternative biomass fuels consumption used for the drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: line323j

Used in lines: ​line031b​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


other biomass

Comment: Heat consumption calculated from non-kiln fuel consumption and lower heating values
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual other biomass (in case you have entered above) consumption which used for drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line303j​ ="","", ​line303j​ * ​line313j​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line323i​ , ​line333j


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: This is the sum of on-site power generation from conventional fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 31c above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual conventional fossil fuels consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line324a​ : ​line324j​ )=6,"",SUM( ​line324a​ : ​line324j​ ))

Used in lines: ​line031c​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


coal + anthracite + lignite

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual coal, anthracite and waste coal mix consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304a​ ="","", ​line304a​ * ​line314a​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324aa​ , ​line334a


(ultra) heavy fuel

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual ultra heavy fuel consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304b​ ="","", ​line304b​ * ​line314b​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324aa​ , ​line334b


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual diesel oil consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304c​ ="","", ​line304c​ * ​line314c​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324aa​ , ​line334c


natural gas

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual natural gas consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304d​ ="","", ​line304d​ * ​line314d​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324aa​ , ​line334d


petrol coke

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual petrol coke consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304i​ ="","", ​line304i​ * ​line314i​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324aa​ , ​line334i


other fossil fuels

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual other fossil fuel (if entered above) consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304j​ ="","", ​line304j​ * ​line314j​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324aa​ , ​line334j


Alternative fossil and mixed fuels

Comment: This is the sum of on-site power generation from alternative fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 31c above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual alternative fossil fuels consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: line324g

Used in lines: ​line031c​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


other fossil based wastes and mixed fuels

Comment: Heat consumption calculated from non-kiln fuel consumption and lower heating values
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual other fossil based wastes (iif entered above) consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304g​ ="","", ​line304g​ * ​line314g​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324f​ , ​line334g​ , ​line334e


Alternative biomass fuels

Comment: This is the sum of on-site power generation from biomass fuels. The result is registered in line 31c above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual alternative biomass fuels consumption used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: line324e

Used in lines: ​line031c​ , ​line096b​ , ​line096c​ , ​line096d


other biomass

Comment: Heat consumption calculated from non-kiln fuel consumption and lower heating values
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual other biomass (iif entered above) consumption which used for on-site power generation in terajoules
Formula: IF( ​line304e​ ="","", ​line304e​ * ​line314e​ /1000)

Used in lines: ​line324h​ , ​line334e

CO2 Emissions from Non-Kiln fuels

Table 103: Plant Sheet - CO2 Emissions from Non-Kiln fuels

Line Title Comment


Equipment and On-Site Vehicles

Comment: This is the sum of equipment and on-site vehicles. The result is registered in line 44 above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emission from fossil fuel in tonnes used in equipment and on-site vehicles
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line331a​ : ​line331ba​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line331a​ : ​line331ba​ ))

Used in lines: ​line044


diesel oil (incl. fossil CO2 of mixed diesel)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from diesel oil used as fossil fuel in equipment and on-site vehicles.
Formula: IF(OR( ​line321a​ ="", ​line321c​ =""),"", ​line321a​ * ​line189​ + ​line321d​ * ​line199a​ *(1- ​line200g​ ))

Used in lines: ​line331



Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from gasoline used as fossil fuel in equipment and on-site vehicles.
Formula: IF( ​line321b​ ="","", ​line321b​ * ​line192a​ )

Used in lines: ​line331


other fossil fuels

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other fossil based wastes (if entered above) used as fossil fuel in equipment and on-site vehicles .
Formula: IF( ​line321ba​ ="","", ​line321ba​ * ​line192d​ )

Used in lines: ​line331


Equipment and On-Site Vehicles biomass fuels

Comment: This is the sum of equipment and on-site vehicles(biomass fuels).The result is registered in line 50 above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total annual value of CO2 emissions in tonnes from fuel which contains biomass and is used for equipment and on-site vehicles
Formula: line331d

Used in lines: ​line050


bio diesel (biogenic CO2 of bio or mixed diesel)

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the Heat consumption (in TJ/year, lines 321d) with the emission factor (lines 199a) and Biomass content (line200g)
Comment: This line shows the calculated annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from diesel oil which contains biomass and is used for equipments and on/site vehicles, e.g. bio diesel
Formula: IF( ​line321d​ ="","", ​line321d​ * ​line199a​ * ​line200g​ )

Used in lines: ​line331c


Room Heating and Cooling

Comment: This is the sum of room heating and cooling. The result is registered in line 45a above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from fuel used for room heating and cooling
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line332a​ : ​line332c​ )=3,"",SUM( ​line332a​ : ​line332c​ ))

Used in lines: ​line045a


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from diesel oil used for room heating and cooling
Formula: IF( ​line322a​ ="","", ​line322a​ * ​line189​ )

Used in lines: ​line332


natural gas

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from natural gas used for room heating and cooling
Formula: IF( ​line322b​ ="","", ​line322b​ * ​line190​ )

Used in lines: ​line332


other fossil fuels

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other fossil fuels (in case you have entered above) which used for room heating and cooling
Formula: IF( ​line322c​ ="","", ​line322c​ * ​line192b​ )

Used in lines: ​line332


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: This is the sum of drying of raw materials and mineral components from conventional fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 45b above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from conventional fossil fuels used for the drying of mineral components
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line333a​ : ​line333f​ )=6,"",SUM( ​line333a​ : ​line333f​ ))

Used in lines: ​line045b


coal + anthracite + lignite

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from coal, anthracite, waste coal and lignite mix used for drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323a​ ="","", ​line323a​ * ​line186​ )

Used in lines: ​line333k


petrol coke

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from petrol coke consumption used for drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323b​ ="","", ​line323b​ * ​line187​ )

Used in lines: ​line333k


(ultra) heavy fuel

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from ultra heavy fuel consumption used for the drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323c​ ="","", ​line323c​ * ​line188​ )

Used in lines: ​line333k


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from diesel oil used for the drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323d​ ="","", ​line323d​ * ​line189​ )

Used in lines: ​line333k


natural gas

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from natural gas which used for drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323e​ ="","", ​line323e​ * ​line190​ )

Used in lines: ​line333k



Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from shale used for drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323f​ ="","", ​line323f​ * ​line191​ )

Used in lines: ​line333k


Alternative fossil fuels - fossil total emissions

Comment: This is the sum of drying of raw materials and mineral components from alternative fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 45b above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from alternative fossil fuels used for the drying of mineral components
Formula: line333h

Used in lines: ​line045b


other fossil based wastes / fossil content

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the Heat consumption (in TJ/year, lines 323h) with the emission factors (lines200) and biomass content (line200h)
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other fossil based wastes (if entered above) used for the drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323h​ ="","", ​line323h​ * ​line200​ *(1- ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line333g


Alternative biomass fuels - biomass total emissions

Comment: This is the sum of drying of raw materials and mineral components from biomass fuels. The result is registered in line 50 above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual alternative biomass fuels consumption used for the drying of mineral components in terajoules
Formula: line333j

Used in lines: ​line050


other biomass (incl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the Heat consumption (in TJ/year, lines 323j) with the emission factors (line209)
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other biomass (if entered above) used for the drying of mineral components
Formula: IF( ​line323j​ ="","",( ​line323j​ * ​line209​ )+( ​line323h​ * ​line200​ * ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line333i


Conventional fossil fuels

Comment: This is the sum of on-site power generation from conventional fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 45c above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from conventional fossil fuels used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF(COUNTBLANK( ​line334a​ : ​line334j​ )=6,"",SUM( ​line334a​ : ​line334j​ ))

Used in lines: ​line045c


coal + anthracite + lignite

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from coal, anthracite and waste coal mix used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324a​ ="","", ​line324a​ * ​line186​ )

Used in lines: ​line334aa


(ultra) heavy fuel

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from ultra heavy fuel used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324b​ ="","", ​line324b​ * ​line188​ )

Used in lines: ​line334aa


diesel oil

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from diesel oil used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324c​ ="","", ​line324c​ * ​line189​ )

Used in lines: ​line334aa


natural gas

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from natural gas used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324d​ ="","", ​line324d​ * ​line190​ )

Used in lines: ​line334aa


petrol coke

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from petrol coke used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324i​ ="","", ​line324i​ * ​line187​ )

Used in lines: ​line334aa


other fossil fuels

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other fossil fuel (in case you have entered above) used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324j​ ="","", ​line324j​ * ​line192c​ )

Used in lines: ​line334aa


Alternative fossil fuels - fossil total emissions

Comment: This is the sum of on-site power generation from alternative fossil fuels. The result is registered in line 45c above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from alternative fossil fuels used for on-site power generation
Formula: line334g

Used in lines: ​line045c


other fossil based wastes / fossil content

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the Heat consumption (in TJ/year, line324g) with the emission factors (line200) and biomass content (line200h)
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other fossil based wastes (if entered above) used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324g​ ="","", ​line324g​ * ​line200​ *(1- ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line334f


Alternative biomass fuels - biomass total emissions

Comment: This is the sum of on-site power generation. The result is registered in line 50 above
Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from alternative biomass fuels used for on-site power generation
Formula: line334e

Used in lines: ​line050


other biomass (incl. biomass content of mixed fuels)

Comment: This cell calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying the Heat consumption (in TJ/year, lines 324e) with the emission factors (line209)
Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual CO2 emissions in tonnes from other biomass (if entered above) used for on-site power generation
Formula: IF( ​line324e​ ="","",( ​line324e​ * ​line209​ )+( ​line324g​ * ​line200​ * ​line200h​ ))

Used in lines: ​line334h

Calcination Sheet A1

Raw meal

Table 104: Calcination Sheet A1 - Raw meal

Line Title Comment


Raw meal consumed = Kiln feed *(1-Dust return correction)

Comment: This line does not require any data. It shows the calculated number of tonnes of raw meal consumed per year.
Formula: line500​ *(1- ​line501​ )


CO2 amount (LOI raw meal consumed)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 in tonnes resulting from consumed LOI raw material per year.
Formula: line500​ *(1- ​line501​ )* ​line502


Emission factor of raw meal consumed

Comment: The calculated value of emission factor is shown on this line in unites of tonnes of CO2 per tonne of raw meal.
Formula: IF( ​line503​ =0,"", ​line504​ / ​line503​ )

CKD leaving the kiln system

Table 105: Calcination Sheet A1 - CKD leaving the kiln system

Line Title Comment


CKD calcination rate d

Comment: The line shows the calculated percentage which represents the CKD calcination rate.
Formula: 1-(( ​line511​ *(1- ​line502​ ))/((1- ​line511​ )* ​line502​ ))


Emission factor CKD

Comment: This line has a calculated value of the emission factor in units of tonne of CO2 per tonne CKD.
Formula: line502​ * ​line512​ /(1- ​line502​ * ​line512​ )


CO2 amount of CKD leaving the kiln system

Comment: The calculated value of CO2 amount of CKD leaving the kiln system is shown on this line in unites of tonnes of CO2 per year.
Formula: IF( ​line510​ =0,0, ​line510​ * ​line513​ )

Absolute CO2 emissions from calcination

Table 106: Calcination Sheet A1 - Absolute CO2 emissions from calcination

Line Title Comment


CO2 amount (LOI raw meal consumed, fully calcined clinker and bypass dust)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from LOI raw material consumed in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line504


CO2 amount of CKD leaving the kiln system

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from CKD which is leaving the kiln system in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line514


Total CO2 from raw materials (including CKD leaving the kiln system and organic carbon content)

Comment: This line shows the calculated total value of CO2 amount from raw materials (including CKD leaving the kiln system and organic carbon content).
Formula: SUM( ​line520​ : ​line521​ )

Data Simple Output Method (A1)

Table 107: Calcination Sheet A1 - Data Simple Output Method (A1)

Line Title Comment


Output CalcA1: Raw meal consumption (=Plant sheet lines 34e)

Comment: The final output value of raw meal consumption of this sheet is stated here as a calculated result in annual tonnes of raw meal.
Formula: line503


Output CalcA1: Total CO2 from raw materials (=Plant sheet line 34f)

Comment: The final output value of total CO2 from raw material of this sheet is stated here as a calculated result in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line522

Calcination Sheet A2

Raw meal

Table 108: Calcination Sheet A2 - Raw meal

Line Title Comment


Raw meal consumed = Kiln feed *(1-Dust return correction)

Comment: The line shows the calculated number of tonnes of raw meal consumed per year
Formula: line600​ *(1- ​line601​ )


CO2 amount (CO2 of raw meal consumed)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 in tonnes resulting from consumed raw material per year
Formula: line603​ * ​line602


Emission factor of raw meal consumed

Comment: The calculated value of emission factor is shown on this line in unites of tonne CO2 per tonne of raw meal.
Formula: IF( ​line603​ =0,"", ​line604​ / ​line603​ )

Additional raw material # 1 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 109: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 1 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line610​ * ​line611

Additional raw material # 2 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 110: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 2 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line613​ * ​line614

Additional raw material # 3 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 111: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 3 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above. CO2 from total carbon is used as clarification for the analytical parameters of the Detailed Input Method A2. The term "CO2 content", which is used in the and in the, leads to misunderstandings.
Formula: line616​ * ​line617

Additional raw material # 4 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 112: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 4 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year which resultung from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line619​ * ​line620

Additional raw material # 5 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 113: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 5 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line622​ * ​line623

Additional raw material # 6 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 114: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 6 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line625​ * ​line626

Additional raw material # 7 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 115: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 7 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line628​ * ​line629

Additional raw material # 8 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 116: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 8 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line631​ * ​line632

Additional raw material # 9 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 117: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 9 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year which is resultingfrom the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line634​ * ​line635

Additional raw material # 10 (not part of kiln feed)

Table 118: Calcination Sheet A2 - Additional raw material # 10 (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


ARM CO2 amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount in tonne per year which resulting from the additional raw material you have entered above.
Formula: line637​ * ​line638

bypass dust correction for uncalcined fraction

Table 119: Calcination Sheet A2 - bypass dust correction for uncalcined fraction

Line Title Comment


Correction for uncalcined fraction of Bypass dust (residual CO2 content)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of correction for uncalcined fraction of bypass dust.
Formula: line650​ * ​line651

CKD leaving the kiln system

Table 120: Calcination Sheet A2 - CKD leaving the kiln system

Line Title Comment


d (CKD calcination rate)

Comment: The line shows the calculated percentage which represents the CKD calcination rate.
Formula: 1-(( ​line656​ *(1- ​line602​ ))/((1- ​line656​ )* ​line602​ ))


Emission Factor CKD

Comment: This line has a calculated value of emission factor in units of tonne CO2 per tonne CKD.
Formula: line602​ * ​line657​ /(1- ​line602​ * ​line657​ )


CO2 amount of CKD leaving the kiln system

Comment: The calculated value of CO2 amount of CKD leaving the kiln system is shown on this line in units of tonne CO2 per year.
Formula: IF( ​line655​ =0,0, ​line655​ * ​line658​ )

Total of additional raw materials (not part of kiln feed)

Table 121: Calcination Sheet A2 - Total of additional raw materials (not part of kiln feed)

Line Title Comment


Additional raw materials (ARM)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of additional raw material (ARM) ,which is not part of the kiln, in annual dry tonnes.
Formula: SUM( ​line610​ , ​line613​ , ​line616​ , ​line619​ , ​line622​ , ​line625​ , ​line628​ , ​line631​ , ​line634​ , ​line637​ )


ARM CO2 content

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 content in additional raw material (ARM), which is not part of the kiln, in percentage of dry weight. CO2 from total carbon is used as clarification for the analytical parameters of the Detailed Input Method A2. The term "CO2 content", which is used in the and in the, leads to misunderstandings.
Formula: IF(G116>0, ​line667​ /G116,"")


CO2 amount of additional raw materials

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from additional raw material (which is not a part of kiln system) in annual tonnes.
Formula: SUM( ​line612​ , ​line615​ , ​line618​ , ​line621​ , ​line624​ , ​line627​ , ​line630​ , ​line633​ , ​line636​ , ​line639​ )

Absolute CO2 emissions from raw material calcination and organic carbon content

Table 122: Calcination Sheet A2 - Absolute CO2 emissions from raw material calcination and organic carbon content

Line Title Comment


CO2 amount of raw material consumed

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from raw material consumed in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line604


CO2 amount of CKD leaving the kiln system

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from CKD which is leaving the kiln system in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line659


Correction for uncalcined fraction of bypass dust

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of correction for uncalcined fraction of bypass dust in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line652


CO2 amount of additional raw materials

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from additional raw materials in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line667


Total CO2 from raw materials (including CKD leaving the kiln system and organic carbon content)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of CO2 amount from raw materials (including CKD leaving the kiln system and organic carbon content).
Formula: IF(G123>0,G123+ ​line672​ - ​line673​ + ​line674​ ,"")

Data Detailed Output Method (A2)

Table 123: Calcination Sheet A2 - Data Detailed Output Method (A2)

Line Title Comment


Output CalcA2: Raw meal consumption (=Plant sheet lines 34i)

Comment: The final output value of raw meal consumption of this sheet is stated here as a calculated result in annual tonnes of raw meal.
Formula: line603


Output CalcA2: Total CO2 from raw materials (=Plant sheet line 34j)

Comment: The final output value of total CO2 from raw material of this sheet is stated here as a calculated result in annual tonnes of CO2.
Formula: line676

Calcination Sheet B2

Clinker # 1

Table 124: Calcination Sheet B2 - Clinker # 1

Line Title Comment


CaO amount

Comment: This line is a result line and therefore does not need to be filled with data. The value shown in this line represents the annual tonnes of CaO in clinker type1.
Formula: line700​ * ​line701


MgO amount

Comment: This line is a result line and therefore does not need to be filled with data. The shown value in this line represents the annual tonnes of MgO in clinker type1.
Formula: line700​ * ​line702

Clinker # 2

Table 125: Calcination Sheet B2 - Clinker # 2

Line Title Comment


CaO amount

Comment: This line is a result line and therefore does not need to be filled with data. The value shown in this line represents the annual tonnes of CaO in clinker type2.
Formula: line705​ * ​line706


MgO amount

Comment: This line is a result line and therefore does not need to be filled with data.The value shown in this line represents the annual tonnes of MgO in clinker type2.
Formula: line705​ * ​line707

Total clinker

Table 126: Calcination Sheet B2 - Total clinker

Line Title Comment


Total clinker produced

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual clinker amount produced in tonnes, so you do not have to enter any data here.
Formula: line700​ + ​line705


Average CaO content (incl. free lime)

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of average CaO content in percentage, so you do not have to enter any data here.
Formula: IF( ​line730​ =0,0, ​line733​ / ​line730​ )


Average MgO content

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of average MgO content in percentage, so you do not have to enter any data here.
Formula: IF( ​line730​ =0,0, ​line734​ / ​line730​ )


Total CaO amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of total annual CaO amount, so you do not have to enter any data here.
Formula: line703​ + ​line708


Total MgO amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of total annual MgO amount, so you do not have to enter any data here.
Formula: line704​ + ​line709

Raw material # 1

Table 127: Calcination Sheet B2 - Raw material # 1

Line Title Comment


CaO amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of CaO in raw material #1.
Formula: line740​ * ​line741


MgO amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of MgO in raw material #1.
Formula: line740​ * ​line742

Raw material # 2

Table 128: Calcination Sheet B2 - Raw material # 2

Line Title Comment


CaO amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of CaO in raw material #2.
Formula: line745​ * ​line746


MgO amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of MgO in raw material #2.
Formula: line745​ * ​line747

Total of raw materials

Table 129: Calcination Sheet B2 - Total of raw materials

Line Title Comment


Total raw material consumed

Formula: line740​ + ​line745


Average CaO content

Formula: IF( ​line770​ =0,0, ​line773​ / ​line770​ )


Average MgO content

Formula: IF( ​line770​ =0,0, ​line774​ / ​line770​ )


Total CaO amount

Formula: line743​ + ​line748


Total MgO amount

Formula: line744​ + ​line749

Raw material # 1

Table 130: Calcination Sheet B2 - Raw material # 1

Line Title Comment


CaSi amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of CaSi amount in raw material #1.
Formula: line780​ * ​line781


MgSi amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of MgSi amount in raw material #1.
Formula: line780​ * ​line782

Raw material # 2

Table 131: Calcination Sheet B2 - Raw material # 2

Line Title Comment


Ca amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of CaSi amount in raw material #2.
Formula: line785​ * ​line786


Mg amount

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual tonnes of MgSi amount in raw material #2.
Formula: line785​ * ​line787

Total of raw materials

Table 132: Calcination Sheet B2 - Total of raw materials

Line Title Comment


Total raw material consumed

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of annual total dry tonnes of raw material consumed. Only raw materials entering the kiln and raw materials with relevant content of Ca-silicate and Mg-silicate must be reported here. Recycled dust should not be counted.
Formula: line780​ + ​line785


Average Ca content

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of Ca content of Ca-Silicate raw material in percentage.
Formula: IF( ​line800​ =0,0, ​line803​ / ​line800​ )


Average Mg content

Comment: This line shows the calculated value of Mg content of raw material in percentage.
Formula: IF( ​line800​ =0,0, ​line804​ / ​line800​ )


Total Ca amount

Formula: line783​ + ​line788


Total Mg amount

Formula: line784​ + ​line789

Absolute CO2 emissions

Table 133: Calcination Sheet B2 - Absolute CO2 emissions

Line Title Comment


Uncorrected CO2 emissions, based on CaO- and MgO content of clinker

Formula: line733​ / ​56,078​ * ​44,010​ + ​line734​ / ​40,304​ * ​44,010


Correction for non-carbonate sources of CaO and MgO

Formula: line773​ / ​56,078​ * ​44,010​ + ​line774​ / ​40,304​ * ​44,010


Correction for silicate sources of CaO and MgO found in clinker

Formula: line803​ / ​40,078​ * ​44,010​ + ​line804​ / ​24,305​ * ​44,010


Corrected, direct CO2 emissions

Formula: line810​ - ​line811​ - ​line812

Specific CO2 emissions per ton of clinker

Table 134: Calcination Sheet B2 - Specific CO2 emissions per ton of clinker

Line Title Comment


Calcination factor, uncorrected

Formula: IF( ​line730​ =0,0, ​line810​ / ​line730​ *1000)


Calcination emission factor corrected for non-carbonate and silicate sources of CaO,MgO

Formula: IF( ​line730​ =0,0, ​line813​ / ​line730​ *1000)

Data Detailed Input Method (B2)

Table 135: Calcination Sheet B2 - Data Detailed Input Method (B2)

Line Title Comment


Output CalcB2: Calcination emission factor corrected for non-carbonate and silicate sources of CaO, MgO in clinker (=Plant sheet line 34q)

Formula: line816